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Guardianship & Supported Decision Making: Which Is Right For Your Family?

Planning for the lifetime care of your loved one experiencing disability and continuing to help them live the life he or she wants, sometimes necessitates that you to make life choices that affect their daily living situation.

Guardian's not only need to learn the protected person's values, beliefs, and desires, but also the many legal requirements and role that you now play in creating a safer, healthier, and more meaningful life.

In addition to Guardianship and Conservatorship, there are other, less restrictive methods to protecting your loved one including supported decision making. We discussed the important distinctions between Guardianship, Conservatorship, and supported decision to give you a framework to make the most confident and educated decision in your family's planning.

Discussion Topics:

  • What is the guardianship filing process?

  • How does guardianship assist in supporting my child?

  • What powers and duties does a guardian have?

  • What are the annual filing requirements?

  • What is the difference between guardianship and conservatorship?

  • What are an individual's rights if they have a guardian?

  • What are some things I should consider when selecting a successor guardian?

  • Guardianship vs. Power of Attorney and supported decision making

  • And more!