Improving Client Portfolio Performance and Planning with Technology
In a continued effort to innovate and improve upon the way Palladio Consulting helps families reach their most important planning goals, we are implementing a more intuitive and robust software to power our client financial portal and investment portfolio performance reporting.
The families we serve have worked hard to build and protect their investments. This is why we choose to be agile and leverage the best technology available for managing client portfolios. The most exciting feature of this new technology is the increased transparency with regards to investment returns, assets allocation, comparison to the benchmark, and customization options to fit your preferences. Many advisory statements fail to display the most important information!
We provided a full walkthrough of the new and improved client portal, portfolio reporting, and how we're using technology to improve our forward-looking tax planning and improve planning outcomes!
Discussion Topics:
New and improved client portal-- log-in, features, interface and more.
Updated mobile app!
Easy, simple way to gather tax documents and account statements
New performance reports to show rate of return and other important investment info
How technology can better help assist with forward-looking tax planning
How we use technology to improve planning outcomes
Economic & Investment Market Update
Palladio Consulting LLC's Commentary on Current Market Conditions In light of recent market volatility, we felt it appropriate to provide some commentary on Palladio Consulting LLC's perspective on recent events and market activity.
Financial markets have undergone notable correction in response to interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve, continued COVID related lockdowns in China and inflationary pressures.
Listen in as we highlight important market developments we are monitoring, and discuss our outlook moving forward in 2022.
Important Tax Planning Considerations for Special Needs Families
As a parent, caregiver, or professional supporting an individual experiencing disability, understanding the complex tax nuances is important to the overall plan.
Andrew Lyle discusses tax deductions, exemptions, and credits available to you as a family experiencing disability. As well as considerations when thinking long term about tax planning.
With tax season in full swing, this is a webinar you won't want to miss!
Discussion Topics:
Naming disabled loved one as a dependent and the expanded definition of a “qualifying child”.
ABLE account tax reminders.
Difficulty of Care Exclusion for support workers/ caregivers.
Deductibility of medical and disability related expenses.
HSA’s and FSA-- Tips to tax efficiencies when paying for medical expenses.
Special needs trust tax filing tips.
SSI and room & board tax reminders.
1041 trust tax return tips.
And more!
A Review And Preview: 2021 Disability Planning
We've covered a lot this year, everything from ABLE, Medicaid, Biden's Disability Plan, SSI vs. SSDI, and so much more! The changes, updates, and reminders affecting your special needs planning don't stop here.
But before we get ahead of ourselves, we know it's been a busy year with so many things demanding your time and all the information you need to build your loved one's life care plan can be overwhelming.
You've probably attended some webinars and missed others you simply didn't have time for. Well let's bring you up to speed on all the highlights of disability community news, important updates, and reminders you'll want to know!
We recapped the most important special needs planning topics we've covered thus far in 2021, and discussed what the final half of the year still holds!
Topics Discussed:
2021 ABLE account changes & updates
Medicaid & Home and Community Based Services changes
Biden Administration Disability Plan priorities
SSI and SSDI Updates 2020 Care for Inclusion Report-- How well are other states serving the disability community?
Maintaining government benefits for employed individuals reminders
Tax planning changes, considerations and reminders
Planning reminders for trustees, guardians & conservators
2021 Q1 Market and Economic Update
A presidential inauguration, additional round of federal stimulus, up and down virus progress, and a new phenomenon of stock price manipulation, highlight what was an even more eventful quarter one of 2021, than the already frenzied fourth quarter of 2020.
With the reopening of the economy progressing and the largest vaccine rollout in history underway, what kind of economic and financial conditions can we expect?
In this webinar, we recapped the most relevant market and economic news of the first quarter of 2021, and discussed the outlook for the months ahead.
Important Retirement Planning Considerations for Special Needs Families
Parents of a person experiencing disability will balance planning for their own retirement, and establishing support for the future needs of their child. A successful retirement plan will incorporate financial, estate, and tax planning strategies that align with a special needs plan.
This webinar will help illuminate the path to an ideal income in retirement while still planning for the lifelong needs of a person with a disability.
Topics Discussed:
Tips for maximizing Social Security for parents and child.
The SECURE Act and how it changed retirement planning and trust funding.
Health care planning-- Medicaid, Medicare and Private Insurance.
Long Term Care-- How do I plan for my own care if I need assistance?
Strategies when planning for the 3rd retirement-- funding a SNT!
Tax planning considerations for retirement.
Tips on building a vision for housing.
Building a support team-- Setting up a plan for when you’re no longer here.
Funding a SNT-- How much will my child need?
Retirement account investment allocation strategies.
And more!
Tax Planning Considerations For Special Needs Families
As a parent, caregiver, or professional supporting an individual experiencing disability, understanding the complex tax nuances is important to the overall plan.
With guest speaker, John Kuder, we discussed the tax deductions, exemptions, and credits available to you as a family experiencing disability. As well as considerations when thinking long term about tax planning.
• Naming disabled loved one as a dependent and the expanded definition of a “qualifying child”.
• ABLE account tax reminders.
• Difficulty of Care Exclusion for support workers/ caregivers.
• Deductibility of medical and disability related expenses.
• HSA’s and FSA-- Tips to tax efficiencies when paying for medical expenses.
• Special needs trust tax filing tips.
• SSI and room & board tax reminders.
• 1041 trust tax return tips.
• And more!
Part 2: 10 Characteristics of Highly Successful Special Needs Plans
We're back for round 2 as we discuss the best tips, tricks and information to help you create a successful special needs plan!
Topics of Discussion:
Tips and tricks to being a “Student of the Community” and Information sponge!
Understanding the benefits of ABLE no one really talks about.
Best ways to communicate the support plan with family.
Be ready for the unexpected! Create a cash reserve.
Document, Document document! Completing a letter of intent or instructions for care report.
Part 1: 10 Characteristics of Highly Successful Special Needs Plans
Palladio Consulting LLC has seen, built, and reviewed thousands of special needs plans over the past 8 years. During this time, we've encountered many unique planning situations tasking us to uncover every resource, organization, and valuable piece of information to meet the needs of the families we serve. This has given us the ability to recognize common mistakes and identify best practices when planning for a special needs loved one. Join us as we explore ins-and-outs of disability benefits, ABLE accounts, special needs trusts, building a support team, and numerous other tools that are essential to the formation of a successful special needs plan.
Watch as we dive into all the best tips, tricks, and information we’ve learned over the years.
Understanding special needs planning tax benefits and law.
Creating a customized and flexible special needs trust.
Understanding the important support team roles and identifying the important friends/family and professionals to fill the roles.
Think about housing today!
Maintain eligibility for needs based benefits whether you think you need them or not.
Appropriations Act 2021 & COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout
Oregon COVID-19 Vaccine Topics
-Important disability related vaccine information
-How is Oregon rolling out the vaccine to the disability community?
-Resources and reminders to assist in staying up to date on new information
Appropriations Act of 2021 (COVID-19 Relief Bill
-$1.4B bill summary—what does it mean? How does it impact us?
-New Stimulus payment updates—who is eligible? How will government benefits be affected?
-Unemployment benefits update for individuals with disabilities
-Medicaid changes and funding updates
-Non-COVID related changes & updates
-And more! A majority of the money passed in the bill had nothing to do with the pandemic!
October Client Webinar: 60 Minutes of 2020's Hottest Planning Topics
The title sounds boring but the content is riveting. In classic 2020 style, this webinar is packed with a lot of perplexing but important topics. We’ll spend time diving into our newly revamped Client Resource Portal and then talk about the Unclaimed Property Search to make sure you’re not a secret millionaire. We’ll then throw a curve ball at you and talk about how healthy we are as an economy and discuss ways to plan for the ultra-low interest rate environment. We’ll end with discussing the most important topics of the 2020 election and the next 4 years. Taxes, climate change, COVID ring any bells!? Oh, and I forgot to mention… because we know so much about your family, we think it is only fair to you that we share with you abouts ours! Connor’s up first and he’ll talk briefly about his background, family and more!
Hot Topics:
• Palladio team member highlight: Who is Connor Kavanaugh!?
• Client Resource Portal Update—Quick access to webinars, information, calendar and announcements
• Want free money? Accessing the unclaimed property search
• Status of the Economy & how low interest rates impact your financial plan
• 2020 Election and the Stock Market
o Would a Biden presidential win hurt the stock market
o Important issues the next president will face (tax reform, COVID, health care, climate change, China, etc.)
o Tax changes under a Biden presidency